View a new documentary video about the battle to preserve OKC
Union Station's elegant rail yard:
Hear KGOU radio's extensive investigative reporting on the
prospects for transit development in Central Oklahoma and the
effort to preserve OKC Union Station's rail yard for this
KGOU report: Tom Elmore presentation at the Ronald J. Norick
Library, downtown OKC: MP3
Union Station, the New I-40 and the Future of Mass Transit in
OKC Part I: Remembering a Depot Monday, February 19, 2007 at
11am Rail advocate Tom Elmore of North
American Transportation Institute gives us a tour of
historic Union Station.
Take an online tour of Union Station (slideshow will take a
few minutes to load for dial-up internet users)
Download and listen to "Remembering a Depot:" MP3
Union Station, the New I-40 & the Future of Mass Transit in OKC Part
II: Debating the Expressway Monday, February 26, 2007 at 11am
Arguing in favor of the Crosstown Expressway are Paul Matthews,
Executive Director of the Oklahoma Highway Users Federation and Dr.
Leonard West, former Executive Director of the Oklahoma Traffic
Engineering Association. Arguing in favor of saving the rail yard
are Dr. Edwin Kessler, Vice Chairman of
Common Cause Oklahoma and Tom Elmore, Executive Director of North
American Transportation Institute.
The debate was moderated by Tom Roach of the Northwest Republican
Club of Oklahoma City. MP3
Union Station, the New I-40 and the Future of Mass Transit in OKC
Part VII: What other cities have done Monday, April 2, 2007 at 11am
This week we take a look at what three other cities in the region
have done. We speak to Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and Salt
Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, and we take a trip south of the Red
River, where Dallas-based rail consultant Garl Latham describes the
success of DART Rail. Listen to this program here:
WEB EXTRAS: Listen to Garl Latham's thoughts about the
controversy over Oklahoma City's Union Train Station rail yard: MP3
KGOU In-Depth Report: What other cities have done
Today we speak with Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and Salt Lake City
Mayor Rocky Anderson to get their perspectives. We also hear from Tom
Elmore, Executive Director of North
American Transportation Institute, Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett
and John Bowman, O DOT's
Project Development Engineer for the I-40 Crosstown Expressway. MP3
Through years of experience, we've observed that it's very hard for the public to get "the whole story" from many of their elected representatives. Part of our mission is to provide full disclosure to the taxpayers about current and proposed transportation policy. Clearly, the public needs documented, reliable information to make good judgements about the activities of its elected officials. Sometimes, we analyze facts and trends and speculate about what they might mean -- but if we're speculating, we'll tell you it's speculation -- and we'll also tell you why we think our speculation is warranted. We sincerely solicit any information you may have, as well as your questions and criticisms. Facts are our business -- and we take that business very seriously.

Late Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson said, "It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error." We provide facts and analysis about the transportation business and government transportation policy to enable the public to hold their elected officials accountable.
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